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AIANMHR Calls for Articles for a Special Issue

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American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research is calling for article submissions for a special issue of the journal focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on AI/AN health research.
Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged numerous tribal nations, resulting in lock downs, closing of schools and key services, stressors on health care systems, and overwhelming grief from the loss of relatives and cultural knowledge keepers. While the importance of research has been underscored during this time, community-based studies with AI/AN populations have faced particular challenges. Research teams have had to adapt to the changing dynamics, including modifying study designs, data collection procedures, participant engagement efforts, and analytic strategies.
This special issue of the journal will allow investigators to explicitly describe how and what adaptations were made, explain solutions to dealing with these unique challenges, and document lessons learned.
Who Should Submit?
We welcome submissions from reservation-, rural-, and urban-based AI/AN health research projects that include data on the effects of the pandemic on recruitment, retention, and data completeness. We also encourage submissions from funders and others in the research enterprise (e.g., IRBs) who may be interested in sharing procedural or administrative insights gleaned from supporting AI/AN research during this time.
How to Submit?
Follow the journal’s general guidelines for submission, which can be found on the journal’s website. Please include in your cover letter your intention that the article be considered for the special issue.
Submission Deadline
Because of the timeliness of this topic, we request all submissions by August 20, 2021, 5pm EST. DEADLINE EXTENDED. New deadline: October 22, 2021, 5pm EST.

Contact Journal Manager Sara Mumby.

Topics: AI/AN health