Colorado School of Public Health

PMHW Fall 2020 Newsletter

Written by Colorado School of Public Health | September 23, 2020

MPH in Population Mental Health & Wellbeing program

This program is ideal for public health professionals seeking to expand their expertise to mental health and wellbeing promotion, service providers seeking a population-level perspective, and those looking to launch a meaningful career in this exciting new field.

The program provides students with a strong foundation in the principles and theories of public health practice and specialized knowledge in the areas of mental health, substance use and wellbeing promotion. Graduates are prepared to bridge the gap between population health and mental health.

Student highlights

2020-2021 PMHW students were asked to participate in a brief survey to describe their academic backgrounds and research interests.

Student research interests
ACEs 63%
Stress 58%
Anxiety 58%
Resilience 58%
Social Support 53%
Depression 53%
Integrated Care 47%
Suicide Prevention 42%
Substance Abuse 37%
Holistic Therapies 26%
Violence Prevention 21%
Trauma 10%
Behavioral Healthcare Accessibility 5%
Workplace Mental Health 5%

Students' undergraduate degrees
Psychology 22%
Biology 17%
Public Health 11%
Sociology 6%
Health and Exercise Science 6%
Communication 6%
Neuroscience 6%
Biochemistry 6%
Business Administration 5%
Healthcare Administration 5%
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 5%
Marketing 5%

Meet our PMHW affiliate faculty!

Courtney Welton-Mitchell, PhD