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Research Shows Most Americans Support Restriction on Where Firearms Can Be Carried

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According to research from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, more than two-thirds of Americans surveyed support some restrictions on carrying firearms in public places.

ColoradoSPH professor Dr. Emmy Betz told Reuters Health by email, "This is the most in-depth examination I've seen of what the public thinks about carrying firearms in public. The variation in views - and the fact that overall views weren't as supportive of public carrying as basic polls suggest - highlights how important research in this area is.”

“I am not a political scholar,” Dr. Betz said, “but as a believer in democracy, I have to hope that civic engagement (voting, expressing opinions to elected officials, engaging in informed debate, etc.) can overcome special interests or lobbying on any topic. And, as an advocate for evidence-based policy, I emphasize the need for funded, non-partisan science to provide the evidence for such policies.”

She added, “We are a diverse nation, and we need to talk with (and listen to) each other as we find ways to enhance the health and safety of our country.”

Read the full story at KFGO