As cooking is the number-one cause of all home fires, this year’s Burn Awareness Week — February 6–12 — has as its theme “Burning Issues in the Kitchen.”
Paul Bauling, MD, of the University of Colorado Burn Center in the CU Department of Surgery, offers these tips for staying safe from burns in the kitchen:
Wear short or close fitting sleeves when cooking: One of the most common scenarios Bauling sees at the burn center is burns resulting from long-sleeved, synthetic garments like robes or nightgowns that get ignited by a gas flame on the stove.
Avoid distractions: Stepping away from the stove even for a minute to watch the end of a TV program can have disastrous consequences, Bauling says.
Make sure you have the right lid: Especially when cooking with grease or oil, Bauling says, make sure you have the correct, tight-fitting lid for the pots and pans you are using. “When the fire flames up, all you need to do is calmly put the lid back on, and the fire instantly dies.”
Invest in a high-quality fire extinguisher: Not all fire extinguishers are created equal, Bauling says — look for an “ABC” fire extinguisher that contains a dry chemical suitable for kitchen and grease fires, as well as chemical and electrical fires, and fires involving ordinary combustibles like wood, paper, and cloth.
If you do get a burn, know who to call: “Fire stations, emergency rooms, and urgent cares typically can give you instructions over the phone,” he says, “or call the CU Burn Unit and ask for the charge nurse.”
The American Burn Association offers these additional tips for staying safe from kitchen burns:
If a fire does happen, the American Burn Association recommends: