Department of Family Medicine

DFM in the Colorado Family Physician Magazine

Written by Robert Thompson | February 08, 2024

The DFM and our Rural Program are featured prominently in the most recent edition of the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians magazine. Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH, and Bhargavi Chekuri, MBBS, MD, MS are pictured on page 12 as Bhargavi receives the 2023 Healthier Colorado Climate Health Champion Award—and as Piggott appeared as a representative for Colorado at the AAFP Congress of Delegates. Roberto SIlva, MD, has a featured article on pages 14 and 15 about his experience with being a preceptor. On the cover and pages 18 and 19 find stories and photos about Lindsey Paulsen (preceptor in Wray CO), Kaily Baer (Rural Program grad, now preceptor in Wray), Rural Program graduates: Christine Krentz, Sean Wickers, Ryan Imber, and Rural Program student Ashlyn Richie. Page 22 features a thoughtful SNOCAP update from Mary Fisher, MPH, Allison Sands, and the rest of the SNOCAP team.

Check it out.