Department of Family Medicine

DFM Physicians Featured in 5280 Magazine

Written by Robert Thompson | January 17, 2022

The pandemic has led many people to defer, delay, and in some cases just plain skip routine preventative health care.

Given the uncertainty that surrounded COVID-19 in the beginning, it is understandable that some people decided to steer clear of the doctor’s office. But, nearly two years into the pandemic things have changed. Clinics have adapted and they are safe, Now, it is time for our family, friends, and neighbors to get back to the business of regular and routine visits to their family physicians.

The Complete Guide To Preventative Health Care, is 5280 Magazine’s attempt at arming our community with the information it needs to get back on track. And, the article features two of our Department of Family Medicine (DFM) rock star physicians.


Drs. Corey Lyon and Cleveland Piggott lend their health care knowledge and experience to help answer potential questions and motivate readers to take the first step and make that long, overdue appointment.

Read the article here.