Department of Family Medicine


Written by Robert Thompson | September 16, 2019

The HUB is back!

And, now, it’s a true departmental, password secured intranet.

Thanks to the switch to the new website platform, we had the opportunity to create the new HUB.

While still under construction, it is live and contains many useful resources, updates, and stories.

Check out this description of what you will find under the Finance and Administration section:

“One of the sections on the new HUB Intranet site is called Finance and Administration. The talented staff who are responsible for our Department’s finances and administration have big plans for this section; this is a tour through what we have built so far.

The Financial Reports tile leads to a menu of reports that will be updated regularly. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible regarding our financial position, and making this information accessible is a big part of achieving that goal.

The Hot Links tile includes a variety of frequently-visited websites related to 'the business side of things.' They are grouped by the various institutions which together form our administrative ecosystem.

Tips and Tricks will be refreshed with the latest tip sheets, shortcuts, and other FAQ-type documents that make our day-to-day operations more efficient.”

So, how do you get to the new HUB?

Easy. Just scroll down to the footer of any page of our new website and you’ll see “The HUB Intranet” under the Family Medicine moniker.

Click on that – enter the same University password credentials that you use for things like the CU Portal, and you’re there!

As always, if you have any technical issues, let us know at