Department of Family Medicine

Philanthropy In The Pandemic

Written by Robert Thompson | February 17, 2021

Despite the historic pandemic and its far reaching effects, there is some good news. And, it’s coming from an unexpected source. Philanthropic giving to the Department of Family Medicine (DFM) is experiencing an uptick.

Marti Laule, philanthropic liaison in the CU Anschutz Office of Advancement says DFM is benefitting from a trend in giving during the pandemic.

“The pandemic has spurred awareness in the importance of our everyday health, our healthcare system and the individuals that provide care to us personally.”

Long story, short – more generous people are deciding now is the time to support health care and health care education. For DFM, that all adds up to new and welcome donors stepping up with their support.

“Ninety-five percent of the gifts we receive come from grateful patients and families,” says Laule.

She says that those donors chose and continue to choose what type of gift they wish to make:

  • Outright, current use cash gift
  • Endowment which starts at $25K and can be pledged over 5 years
  • Estate gift at the time of their passing (usually a percentage of estate proceeds or dedicated dollar amount)

Much of the new endowment dollars are also supplemented by additional support from acceleration funds from the Office of the Dean of the School of Medicine. That adds value to each gift, building larger nest eggs for important department programs, and adding to the larger mission of meeting the fund raising goal to realize the $10 million Williams Family Foundation Endowment.

Laule says that the momentum continues to build with even more potential large gifts in process. But, you don’t have to have a lot of money to make a difference.

“Every gift matters when building an endowment,” she says.  “As an example, if 20 individuals participated in a $25 monthly payroll deduction each year for 5 years, the endowment would increase $30,000 plus the accrual of interest.  This would increase the amount of distribution every year for the department to utilize.”  

Find out how you can become part of the army of support. Visit the DFM Endowment page for more information on how to get started.