Department of Family Medicine

Rural Track Scholarship Announced

Written by Robert Thompson | November 18, 2019

A generous gift from a grateful patient and loving mother of a University of Colorado Medical School graduate is poised to make a big impact on a deserving medical student dedicated to serving in a rural community.

The Joanna Sakata Family Endowed Medical Scholarship Fund is a $1 million permanent endowment which is designed to provide one annual full, in-state tuition scholarship to third or fourth year students enrolled in the School of Medicine’s Rural Track program.

The scholarship recipient must intend to practice in a rural community for a minimum of two years upon graduation from medical school.

Ms. Sakata established the fund in honor of her daughter, Vicki Sakata, MD, who graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 1989.

In other Rural Track news:


Mark Deutchman, MD, (Rural Track director), Roberto Silva, MD, and Melanie DeHerrera presented at the world rural health conference (WONCA), in October 2019, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, along with two second-year medical students from the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Rural Track program.