School of Pharmacy Newsroom

From Active Duty to Resident Pharmacist

Written by SOP Communications | January 04, 2024

Arjay Mendoza graduated from CU Pharmacy's award-winning International-Trained PharmD program in 2022 and went on to pursue a residency with the United States VA and teach classes at his alma mater, The University of Manila in the Philippines. He made time to chat with the Orange County Pharmacists Association (OCPhA) podcast about his  remarkable career journey.

Dr. Mendoza's path from active duty to pharmacy school and his subsequent role as a pharmacy resident is an inspiring tale of dedication and determination. This episode offers valuable insights into how he made the transition from active duty service to pursuing a career in pharmacy; academic pursuits, including his experiences in pharmacy school and how they shaped his aspirations; and insights into the challenges and rewards of becoming a pharmacy resident and the impact it has on his professional growth.