School of Pharmacy Newsroom

Pharmacy Dean Supports International Campaign

Written by SOP Communications | June 13, 2024

“Think Health, Think Pharmacy” is a new global campaign launched by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). It aims to raise awareness of pharmacies as places of primary health care provision, and to advocate for pharmacists as healthcare professionals, primarily in the minds of policymakers but also of several other target groups.

University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean, Ralph Altiere, serves as FIP's Education Chair, and sees this move as an opportunity to advance the field of pharmacy.

"Pharmacists are an important part of any health care team, and at CU, we are fortunate to be part of an integrated medical campus," Dr. Altiere said. "We want to see that level of integration world-wide, including with community pharmacists, and for people to see pharmacists for what they truly are — health care providers."

Despite substantial and recent advancements in pharmacy practice, too many people still perceive pharmacies as commercial enterprises rather than places of healthcare provision. This is an obstacle to pharmacists providing the services that they are trained to provide and that our health systems and communities desperately need, the federation says.

“Our pharmacy profession proved its ability and dedication to the health of their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic and now is the time to make a bigger push for more professional recognition and the additional pharmacy services that go with that. This global campaign, led by FIP and powered by data and intelligence from the FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory, is a key strategy to advocate for our members and the wider profession around the world,” said Paul Sinclair, president, FIP.

FIP’s “Think Health, Think Pharmacy” will be a long-running campaign, sustained through regular releases of new campaign materials and other activities. More information and the first set of campaign assets are now available on the campaign webpage. This includes a factsheet that the FIP delegation at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, will be using to advocate for pharmacy, and a supporting statement from the FIP Bureau.

Universal recognition of the pharmacy profession’s unique place in primary health care would lead to enhanced patient care, improved access to health services, better collaboration with other health professions, reduced healthcare costs, professional growth, and new empowering legislation and policies, the Bureau says.

“It is through the pharmacy profession that much progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3 — good health and well-being for all — will be made. I encourage colleagues around the world to join this important campaign today and continue to support it over the coming months,” Sinclair said.