CU Cancer Center

Investigating a Better Treatment Sequence for Esophageal Cancer

Written by Greg Glasgow | May 25, 2021

Looking for better ways to treat patients with esophageal cancer, University of Colorado Cancer Center member Martin McCarter, MD, is investigating whether a new treatment sequence will result in better outcomes.

As they await the results of a group of clinical trials — including one at the CU Cancer Center — McCarter and other University of Colorado researchers (led by surgery resident Bobby Torphy, MD, PhD) looked at data from the National Cancer Database to see if they could identify other patients who have undergone the new sequence, and what the outcomes for those patients were. The group published a paper in the Annals of Surgical Oncology in April detailing their findings.

We sat down with McCarter, professor of surgical oncology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, to talk about the data and the next steps in his research.