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Learning Leadership from ELAM

2 minute read

White woman holding mug that says "like a boss"

When the sky is the limit, our very own Dr. Nichole Carlson continuously reaches beyond. Through drive and passion, Dr. Carlson is demonstrating what it means to be a leader in her Center, Department and the Universitywide system.

Congratulations to Dr. Nichole Carlson, Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, for being accepted as a Fellow in the 2019-2020, 25th anniversary Class of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women.

Individuals are selected to this program based on their conviction that academic health centers must change in response to today’s societal, technological, and market forces and share a desire to play a leadership role in guiding this process.

According to Drexel University’s website, the ELAM program offers an intensive one-year fellowship of leadership training that provides extensive coaching, networking and mentoring opportunities. Through this program, ELAM is working to build the number of qualified women candidates for leadership roles in medicine, dentistry, public health and pharmacy in academic settings. The ELAM program has been specially developed for senior women faculty at the associate or full professor level who demonstrate the greatest potential for taking on executive leadership positions within the next five years.

We are excited for the knowledge and leadership that Dr. Carlson will continue to provide to the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis, the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics and the Colorado School of Public Health.

Topics: Data and Health