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Colorado School of Public Health News and Stories

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New COVID-19 Modeling Report Shows Uncertainty for Remainder of 2022

Colorado School of Public Health Dean Dr. Jon Samet didn’t mince words as he spoke during a webinar sponsored by the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) October 26 about climate change and the health risks it poses.

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Equity Diversity and Inclusion    Data and Health

Creating Applied Biostatistics Opportunities for Underrepresented Students and Graduates

The Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) prides itself on being at the front lines of innovation and inclusivity. In addition to advancements in statistical analysis, design, and data science, CIDA has also taken measures to create a more diverse presence on the campus. With the formation of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee in 2020, one of the committee’s objectives was to reach out to students outside of the biostatistics programs and create opportunities for them to learn and work with data.

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Latest Model Indicates Infections are Decreasing

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado School of Public Health released an updated statewide modeling report and updated regional modelsshowing that public health protocols before the Thanksgiving holiday have helped to slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2. 

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Press Coverage    Data and Health

The First COVID-19 Case Likely in Colorado Long Before March

Colorado probably had its first case of COVID-19 in a ski resort town in December or January, months before Colorado leaders could confirm the first official case on March 5.

Author Katie Kerwin McCrimmon | Publish Date December 15, 2020
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State and ColoradoSPH Release Latest Modeling Report

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) have released an updated modeling report.

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Newest COVID-19 Model Estimates 1 in 49 Coloradans are Currently Infectious

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado School of Public Health released an updated modeling reportthat shows infections and hospitalizations are continuing to increase across the state. The model estimates that currently one out of every 49 residents in the state is infected with SARS-CoV-2, by far the highest prevalence since the virus arrived in Colorado.

Earlier this week, many counties in Colorado moved to stricter levels on the state’s COVID-19 dial, and more are moving up over the weekend.

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Newest COVID-19 Model Indicates Colorado Hospitalizations are Increasing More Sharply than Previous Predictions

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado School of Public Health released an updated modeling report showing hospitalizations from SARS-CoV-2 are increasing more sharply than last week’s projections. Keeping hospitals at or below demand capacity will require substantial and rapid action to prevent transmission. People should only interact with members of their own household, avoid gatherings, stay home when they are sick, wash their hands, physical distance, and wear a mask.

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Newest COVID-19 Model Indicates Colorado Will Hit a Record Number of Hospitalizations from the Pandemic Within Two Weeks

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado School of Public Health released an updated modeling reportshowing that hospitalizations from SARS-CoV-2 continue to increase rapidly across the state. 

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Declining Transmission Control in Colorado SARS-CoV-2 Model, Rapidly Increasing Hospitalizations Signal State is at a Critical Moment in the Pandemic

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Colorado School of Public Health released a new modeling report based on recent data showing hospitalizations from SARS-CoV-2 are increasing rapidly across the state. To avoid increasing infections and strain on hospitals over the next three months, a substantial increase in transmission control will be needed. 

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New Modeling Data from the Colorado School of Public Health Shows Increased Hospitalizations, Potential Holiday Bump in Cases

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) today released a new modeling report indicating an increase in hospitalizations and in the estimated number of Coloradans who currently are infectious. If Colorado remains on the current trajectory of its epidemic curve, state epidemiologists predict continued growth in cases and increased demand on hospitals.

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New Modeling Data from the Colorado School of Public Health Shows Plateauing Hospitalizations and a Slight Upward Trend in Colorado’s Infection Rate

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Colorado School of Public Health released a new modeling report that indicates the spread of SARS-CoV-2 was reduced for much of July and August, leading to declines in hospitalizations and infections. However, in recent weeks, the estimated effective reproductive number has increased while hospitalizations have plateaued.

Author Colorado School of Public Health | Publish Date September 16, 2020
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New Modeling Data from the Colorado School of Public Health Shows Decline in Social Distancing and Increasing Hospitalizations

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment received additional modeling results from an expert group of public health scientists. The current projection based on recent hospitalization trends is a stark contrast to previous reports, showing a sharp curve upward as cases and hospitalizations have increased over the last few weeks. The modeling team estimates that this is due to a decline in social distancing in Colorado in May and June. 

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Governor Announces New Interactive Modeling App from Colorado School of Public Health Scientists

The Colorado School of Public Health’s COVID-19 modeling team has developed and launched an interactive online application that shows a variety of data that affect epidemic modeling. The new interactive app lets people see the possible course of COVID-19 under a variety of scenarios, and project the COVID-19 epidemic curve from the comfort of their homes.

Using interactive sliders on a website, users are able to see how the four key interventions to control the spread of COVID-19 can impact the future course of the virus in Colorado. Users can alter the percent of the population wearing masks, introduce contact tracing, improve case detection and isolation, and see how changes in social distancing can impact the future course of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. 

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Data and Health

What's in Your Data?

Every data set has a unique story to tell, a diagnosis to uncover and an answer that helps you determine the next steps in your research. While researchers may be the expert in the science, biostatisticians and data scientists are the experts in the quantitative analyses behind the science. 

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Learning Leadership from ELAM

When the sky is the limit, our very own Dr. Nichole Carlson continuously reaches beyond. Through drive and passion, Dr. Carlson is demonstrating what it means to be a leader in her Center, Department and the Universitywide system.

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Achieving Common Goals

Growing a collaboration is more than two people sitting at a table and discussing a project. It is a team of individuals who not only believe in the science they are researching, but they believe in the contributions that each expert at the table brings to the research. These collaborations focus on uniting subject area experts and producing quality research that not only impacts science, but drives change in our communities.

CIDA is fortunate to have nearly 20 collaborations across the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. One of which is with the Division of Endocrinology. The Endocrinology partnership began as a way to help new researchers write grant proposals to secure funding for future research and has expanded to supporting analyses, consultations, and manuscript writing. During all phases of research, our team is by the side of the Principal Investigator talking through the science, shining light on limitations and guiding the team to a testable hypothesis, and highlighting the best practices in data collecting for success.

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Adding Depth to the Team

For highly productive research teams a time develops when you need to add depth to your team to ensure your research continues to evolve and move forward. For the Mourani Lab, the next step in advancement was to hire a data manager as a key individual to support research that the team is currently completing and planning.

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Expanding Campus Impact

The University of Colorado Anschutz and its departments conduct cutting-edge research that often requires a statistical understanding and/or support. The Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) provides consulting services and builds collaborative partnerships with many of the departments and institutions within the university. CIDA’s consulting services include anything from data management, pre-processing the data, traditional data analysis, grant support such as power analyses and writing statistical analysis plans, to basic consulting services such as helping students in groups with statistical and/or coding questions.

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Building Bridges and Sharing Expertise

The Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) is housed within the Biostatistics and Informatics department at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, but the center extends its services beyond the campus. CIDA works with a variety of investigators who work in areas such as industry, government, medicine, and research. “Our expertise includes standard analysis as well as the innovative development of statistical analyses and software creation,” says Bryan McNair, MS, PStat®, of the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis. 

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Backing Cutting-Edge Research

For the team of biostatisticians who call the Center of Innovative Design and Analysis home, medical research is the driving force behind the work they partner on. Based on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, our statisticians get involved in cutting edge research and clinical trials that matter not only to them, but to our families and communities.

For the past 2 ½ years, Diana Abbott, PhD, and Andy Hammes, MS, have been collaborative biostatisticians with the Division of Hematology. A primary focus of their projects has focused on the effect of treatment on leukemic stem cells. The combination of Dr. Jordan’s lab and Dr. Dan Pollyea’s clinical work set the foundation for future research funded by the SCOR (Specialized Center of Research) grant, a $5M award from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This research—the crux of Dr. Jordan’s proposal, which was awarded in October of 2018, could change the way clinicians think about acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Dr. Abbott says,

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CIDA Hackathon

Think you can code?

The CIDA Hackathon is an opportunity for students, faculty, and community members to come together to develop innovative tools and analyses that will help drive research on campus. Throughout the event, our goal is to open the doors to resources that allow participants to further develop their programming skills, while building a community of researchers, mentors, and fellow programmers.

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Driving Innovation and Science

CIDA's Biostatisticians on the Cutting Edge

The Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) offers statistical consulting to external and internal investigators. In addition to providing statistical support to these project, CIDA’s biostatisticians conduct their own innovative design and research. 

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ABC News: Wearing a Mask in the United States is Political, but Republicans are Speaking Out as Coronavirus Cases Grow

Wearing a mask or face covering in the US has become about more than just slowing the spread of COVID-19 — some experts say it's a political statement, signalling another layer in the deep divisions within America.

Author ABC News | Publish Date June 30, 2020
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Developing the Next Generation

The Department of Biostatistics and Informatics partners with the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) and its faculty to employ student apprentices in the biostatistics Master’s and Doctoral programs on campus as Research Assistants. These Research Assistant positions are highly sought after for the educational and practical benefits they provide students. “You learn formally in a classroom, but in the real world the data are messy and [the apprenticeship] provides valuable, hands-on, work experience with real data that you don’t get in the classroom,” explains Luke Patten, MS, Research Instructor and former Research Assistant, Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA).

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Data and Health

Gaining Confidence in Statistical Analyses

CIDA offers a One Hour Consultation Program, free of charge, to anyone on campus who might benefit from a one hour consultation with a biostatistician. “The One Hour Consultation Program offers a short, biostatistics consultation to individuals on campus who may not have statistical expertise, or have access to an individual with that expertise,” explains one of CIDA’s One Hour Consultation  Biostatisticians, Andrew Hammes, MS, Research Instructor, Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA). “With the growing importance of rigorous statistical analysis in many situations across the university, [it is useful to have] the opportunity to get feedback and help from a biostatistician who may have experience with projects and analysis similar to what [you] are working on.”  

“CIDA's biostatistician is able to help talk through the project including structuring the project, data collection and issues, analysis, and interpretation,” Hammes explains.

While no in-depth analysis of a specific data set can take place during the One Hour Consultation Program, the biostatisticians “can help with talking through how to interpret analysis, or talk through what analysis should be done.” If an investigator finds after the consultation that they would like more statistical assistance with analyzing their data, they can use their consultation as a starting point for building a scope of work with the center. 

To get as much guidance and support as possible during the consultation, the PI should be prepared to give a brief elevator pitch that highlights the science behind the project…[and] the set goals [whether that is a publication, an internal analysis, or something else]” according to Hammes. 

Hammes recommends that, in addition to the elevator pitch, all attendees come to the One Hour Consultation Program prepared with “a hypothesis, what resources they have available, the current stage of the project, where the data comes from, if any funds are available in case scope goes to a full project, what analytical software you have available, and potential sample sizes.” Depending on the stage of the project, some of this information might not be available to bring with to the consultation. In that instance, these might be questions worth asking the biostatistician for guidance on to help gather the important elements prior to starting your project. 

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Developing Pathways for Future Research

Grants are a fundamental part of funding important research studies. Many grants are highly competitive and research has proven that partnering with a statistician at the start of, and during, the grant writing process can improve the chances of a grant proposal being accepted.

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Supporting Lifelong Learners

When you walk across the campus, you are reminded that learning never stops. Professional development and career growth are part of our culture and the underlying current that allows individuals to be lifelong learners. Not only can these opportunities teach you new skills, but they ensure that you will remain at the forefront in your field. 

The CCTSI Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) program partners with the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) to offer several short courses, seminars and a hackathon to the Anschutz Medical Campus as well as to individuals from the greater front range. These opportunities are designed to provide a high-level overview of topics in biostatistics from fundamentals of statistical literacy, to study design, to big data and data science, there is an option that aligns with your interests and needs as a professional.

Short courses are a great opportunity for anyone on campus who is not a professionally trained biostatistician to gain knowledge in the different content areas. We offer a wide-variety of options and we are always open to feedback about topics that the campus is interested in.

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State Releases New Modeling Data Developed by ColoradoSPH-Led team

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) received additional modeling information from an expert group of public health scientists today. 

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State Releases New Modeling Findings Led by ColoradoSPH Experts

This press release was issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.. 

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ColoradoSPH and State of Colorado Release COVID-19 Modeling Data

The state today released additional COVID-19 modeling data to the public. Governor Jared Polis first provided an in-depth analysis of the data during a press conference on March 27. The state will continue to review data as it evolves to inform future policy decisions. 

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Gov. Polis Shares COVID-19 Data From ColoradoSPH Team

Gov. Jared Polis provided an update on Colorado’s response to COVID-19 and discussed the predictive modeling that is guiding the public health decisions the state is making as well as the updated public health order that corresponds with the stay-at-home executive order.  

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Students    Data and Health

Celebrating Student Successes

Every year the Biostatistics and Informatics Department takes a moment to reflect on the outstanding work our students completed over the past academic year. Their accomplishments and successes are highlighted by the faculty who lead and mentor each and every student on their quest to academic excellence. This excellence prepares our students not only for a future in academics, but also allows them to be career ready for when they enter the work force through industry.

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Research    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz    Data and Health

Refining Research in a Complex World of Data

For many men and women on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, each day is a search. Their quarry is the signals in data: information necessary to answer an endless array of questions about the complex world of public health and medicine.

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LEAD Mini-Summit: Lightning Strikes!

Organized by LEAD Assistant Directors Kate Sauder (Translation), Anne Starling (Environment), and Wei Perng (‘Omics), fifteen ‘lightning’ talks of three minutes each were presented. The topics ranged from molecular to community level exposures and outcomes. Small groups were formed at the end of the session to identify areas for collaboration and strategize on future directions.

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Colorado School of Public Health In the News

Colorado Public Radio

Five agricultural workers in northeastern Colorado have now tested positive for bird flu

news outletColorado Public Radio
Publish DateJuly 15, 2024

Among health experts, the jury is still out on THC, CBD and the use of marijuana in general, as those in medical and research fields weigh the benefits and risks. "This is the big challenge with cannabis: How do we facilitate the beneficial medical applications, allow for what society has determined is acceptable recreational use and also guard against the very real harms?" Gregory Tung, Ph.D., an associate professor at the Colorado School of Public Health, tells USA TODAY. "This is difficult and will likely require a mix of policy, rules, regulations and education."

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USA Today

What is THC? Answering the questions you were too embarrassed to ask.

news outletUSA Today
Publish DateJuly 09, 2024

Among health experts, the jury is still out on THC, CBD and the use of marijuana in general, as those in medical and research fields weigh the benefits and risks. "This is the big challenge with cannabis: How do we facilitate the beneficial medical applications, allow for what society has determined is acceptable recreational use and also guard against the very real harms?" Gregory Tung, Ph.D., an associate professor at the Colorado School of Public Health, tells USA TODAY. "This is difficult and will likely require a mix of policy, rules, regulations and education."

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Colorado Public Radio

Colorado has the most cases of bird flu among dairy cows in the U.S.

news outletColorado Public Radio
Publish DateJuly 02, 2024

Cases of highly pathogenic avian flu cases in Colorado dairy cows keep rising, with numbers from a federal website recording the state as having more cases than any other. Public health experts said they’re watching to see if infections spillover from cattle to  humans and then human to human. “I think it's an important time for public health to be watching this really closely,” said  Elizabeth Carlton, an epidemiologist at the Colorado School of Public Health. “Concern for the general public is pretty low right now,” she said.

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The Denver Post

Colorado sees summer COVID bump as new FLiRT variants keep virus from settling into seasonal pattern

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateJuly 02, 2024

Colorado, along with much of the country, is experiencing a summer bump in COVID-19 infections, showing the virus has yet to fall into a seasonal pattern. Common respiratory bugs typically start spreading in the fall and peter out by spring. In Colorado, the worst points of the pandemic fell in the fall and winter, but COVID-19 hasn’t disappeared in the warmer months, as flu does. Four years ago, at the beginning of the pandemic, scientists expected the virus would be well on its way to settling into a seasonal pattern by now, said Talia Quandelacy, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health.

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