Colorado School of Public Health

What Learners Are Saying: Total Worker Health® Professional Program

Written by Laura Veith | April 25, 2023

Our center is consistently looking for ways to spread Total Worker Health® knowledge to working professionals. These individuals are the “boots on the ground” practitioners responsible for creating and establishing employee health, safety and well-being programs. This audience was the genesis for creating our Total Worker Health Professional Program (TWH PRO) – we wanted to provide quality TWH education for working professionals in a flexible, self-paced online environment.

Our center released the course six months ago and has since wondered, what has been the impact of this course? How are our learners using their knowledge to create change in the workplace?

We spoke with learners about their recent experiences. Read on to understand what skills and understanding are available to you through the TWH PRO.


Total Worker Health® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Participation by the Center for Health, Work & Environment does not imply endorsement by HHS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health