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CU Dental’s Publication Roundup

Faculty and residents pave the way in oral health and craniofacial discoveries

2 minute read

by Kathy Michel | July 7, 2021
Researchers working in lab

From migrant and refugee oral health to preventive dental visits, here are some of the latest publications from our esteemed faculty and residents:

SPORE Grant for Head and Neck Cancer
Faculty Contributors: Lynn Heasley, PhD and Mary Reyland, PhD
Grant by: NCI Scientific Program

“Migrant and Refugee Oral Health”
Faculty Contributor: Tamanna Tiwari, MPH, MDS, BDS
Tiwari was Awarded for Research Excellence by Colgate
Published: NIH – National Library of Medicine

“Cost and Complications Associated with Implant-supported Overdentures with a Resilient Attachment System: A Retrospective Study"

Faculty Contributors: Kerri Font, DDS, MS; David Gozalo, DDS, MS; Chetan Patodia, DDS, MSD, MBA; Alan Sutton, DDS, MS
Published: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

“Oral Health of African Immigrants: A participatory approach to needs assessment”
Faculty Contributor: Tamanna Tiwari, MPH, MDS, BDS
Published: Community Dental Health

“Association of Acculturation and Latino Parents’ Oral Health Beliefs and Knowledge”
Faculty Contributors: Tamanna Tiwari, MPH, MDS, BDS; Anne Wilson, DDS, MS
Resident Contributor: Anila Poravanthattil, DDS, DMD
Published: MDPI Dental Journal

“The Effect of Well Child Visit Location on Preventative Dental Visit”
Faculty Contributor: Tamanna Tiwari, MPH, MDS, BDS
Resident Contributor: Jennie Marinucci, DMD
Published: NIH – National Library of Medicine

“Srsf3 Mediates Alternative RNA Splicing Downstream of PDGFRα Signaling in the Facial Mesenchyme”
Faculty Contributor: Katherine A. Fantauzzo, Ph.D.
Published: The Journal - Development

Topics: Research