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In Case You Missed It...

Kudos to two Family Medicine colleagues and the Farley Center!

minute read

by Robert Thompson | July 16, 2019

A couple of announcements about two of our Department of Family Medicine (DFM) colleagues and an exciting, new project for the Eugene S. Farley, Jr., Health Policy Center (FHPC).

One is well deserved recognition. And, the other is an appointment to an important role that promises to advance the department’s mission.

First, the recognition.

Our own Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH, was recently called out for excellence in mentoring. Here is a snippet from the Dean’s Weekly Letter describing Bethany’s honor:

Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH

“Congratulations to Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH, assistant professor of family medicine and an implementation scientist in the Adult and Child Consortium for Health Outcomes Research and Delivery Science, on receiving the MSA Excellence in Mentoring Award, a new honor given to exceptional faculty who participate in the Mentored Scholarly Activity, which is required for all medical students. The MSA requires students to identify and work with a mentor on projects that extend through their four years in medical school and culminate in a capstone presentation prior to graduation. Our School’s teaching thrives because of dedicated educators like Bethany and we are grateful she’s on our faculty and willing to participate in the Mentored Scholarly Activity program.” 

Next , the appointment.

Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH, is the DFM’s new Director of Diversity and Health Equity. In his communication to the department, Chair Frank deGruy said:

“Cleveland’s new role and the Justice League are only the beginning—we intend to make a full-court press into this territory in our attitudes, our behavior, our culture, our hiring practices, our clinical care, our education and training, our research—in all we are and all we do.” 

For his part, Piggott says he’s thrilled to lead this effort and invites everyone to take part:

Dr. Cleveland Piggott, Director of Diversity and Health Equity“I’m happy to partner with anyone and everyone to see how we can work together so we can all be equity champions and give our communities the care they deserve.” 

Congratulations to both Bethany and Cleveland.

And, we're not finished yet. There's more! 

The Farley Health Policy Center was recently selected to serve as the Facilitator for the Colorado Behavioral Health Task Force.

Created under direction of Governor Polis, the FHPC will work closely with the Colorado Department of Human Services to lead the Task Force and three subcommittees to develop recommendations and a roadmap to improve the current behavioral health system.

The three subcommittees will focus on the State Safety Net, Children’s Behavioral Health, and Long-Term Competency. 

Topics: Honors,
