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On The Air

Listen To Dr. Cleveland Piggott On The URM Podcast

minute read

by Robert Thompson | May 18, 2022
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Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Listen To Dr. Cleveland Piggott  On The URM Podcast

The Department of Family Medicine's own Dr. Cleveland Piggott recently guested on the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine's (STFM) URM JAM Podcast.

URM stands for Underrepresented in Medicine. 

Dr. Piggott took questions regarding how to create engaging didactic sessions. 

Here is what he said about the experience.

"Since I was a medical student, I have found the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) to be one of my society homes. I've been really involved in the minority and multicultural steering committee, their Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) Leadership taskforce, and URM Anti-racism taskforce. Through this group, I was asked to be on their podcast and talk about a topic I was interested in to help URM students and residents considering academic careers. It was fun."

Listen to the podcast here. Select Episode 15: Creating Engaging Didactic Session with Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH, FAAFP

Topics: Podcast
