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Spreading The Word

DFM Faculty Voices On The National Stage

minute read

by Robert Thompson | February 6, 2020

It is no wonder why our Department of Family Medicine is so well respected. We have some of the nation’s more sought-after and cutting-edge researchers and faculty in medical academia.

To kick off 2020, examples of two of our DFM team members on the national stage.

First, Tamara Oser, director of the High Plains Research Network.

Oser is also a nationally respected expert in the study and treatment of diabetes. She is closely associated with the American Association of Diabetes Educators and is quoted in a recent article about “affordable insulin”. Check it out.



And, second, Cleveland Piggott.

Dr. Cleveland Piggott, Director of Diversity and Health Equity

He is the department’s director of Diversity and Health Equity. His voice in matters of leadership development, especially in the circles of medical academia, is growing louder and attracting some major national attention. Piggott is one of the contributors in an original article released in January in STFM Journals’ Family Medicine. “Leadership Pathways in Academic Family Medicine: Focus on Underrepresented Minorities and Women”.

