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Storylines of Family Medicine

DFM physicians provide reflections of Family Medicine

minute read

by Robert Thompson | April 22, 2024

Years in the making, the BMJ Group has just published “Storylines of Family Medicine,” a collection of short essays that explain family medicine, specifically for U.S. audiences and especially medical students and residents. Among many authors, including our recent Levitt speaker Susan McDaniel, our DFM colleagues Frank deGruy, MD, MS; Larry Green, MD; Don Nease, MD; and Jack Westfall, MD, MPH, are contributors. When sharing information about this long-awaited publication, Larry shared his admiration for his fellow contributors and compilers, acknowledging how difficult it can be to succinctly reach a main point while also explaining their professional passions and accomplishments. “This freely accessible compilation explains family medicine in bite-sized pieces for an era known for short attention spans.” Enjoy these stories which showcase the importance of family medicine! 


