DENVER - We are unable to respond to specific inquiries about James Holmes due to court orders and other laws that protect the confidentiality of student information. Nor can we discuss how BETA teams have acted in other cases involving our students, faculty and employees. At the same time, we wish to help you understand how the University’s BETA team operates.
A BETA Team stands for a Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment Team. It is a resource consisting of representatives from various offices within the University of Colorado that exists to provide information to faculty, staff, or students who are concerned about a member of the campus community.
Any person in the University community has the ability to contact the Chair of the BETA Team, or other member, to report a concern.
The BETA Team is not a law enforcement mechanism, but instead allows members of the university community to confer and collaborate about how to provide support and resources to those involved.
Who will participate and what the BETA team might do in a particular case would vary depending upon the issue brought to a member’s attention. For example, if a student is concerned about her roommate and stress that she is experiencing around the time of finals, members of the BETA team might confer with officials in student housing or the student’s department.
The BETA team is not an administrative, treatment, or disciplinary body, and its purpose is to provide support, information, and referrals to those dealing with difficult situations.