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CU Anschutz State of Research 2022 Address Highlights Robust Campus Growth and Innovation

Vice chancellor for research celebrates the depth and strength of the campus research community

2 minute read

by Megan Lane | December 12, 2022
What you need to know:

In his State of Research Address, Vice Chancellor for Research Thomas Flaig, MD, highlighted the campus’s collaborative culture that drives its innovation and creativity in tackling the world’s greatest health challenges.

Vice Chancellor for Research Thomas Flaig, MD, delivered the annual State of Research Address on Dec. 6 to an online audience of more than 500 scientists, students and staff from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Presented live over Zoom, the address spotlighted the strength and excellence of the CU Anschutz research community, as well as the collaborative culture that Flaig said makes this campus truly unique.

“If I had to highlight one theme, it would be collaboration. Our researchers are collaborating across departments, schools, hospitals, sister campuses and communities to advance exciting new discoveries,” Flaig said. 

He also shared data on the continued and robust growth of the research enterprise. CU Anschutz attracted $692 million in external research funding in FY22 – a 34% increase since FY18. “These numbers are a testament to the growing impact of our research,” he said. “It also shows that our science continues to be highly rated and rewarded by funders in competitive, peer-reviewed settings.” 

In addition, Flaig shared a video that recognized the administrative team that works behind the scenes to support research at CU Anschutz.

“It’s that collaboration between the researchers and research administration that helps us to achieve our scientific goals,” he said.

At the end of the address, Flaig debuted a special video that captures the many ways that researchers at CU Anschutz are tackling the world’s greatest health challenges.

“Part of our team’s special sauce is the innovation and creativity of our research community and the excellence that I see manifested in all the work we do,” said Flaig.

View the recording of the full State of Research Address below or download the presentation slides here


Topics: Research,