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Students devise strategies to combat prevalence of suicide

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by Blair Ilsley | November 15, 2017

The fifth Rocky Mountain Region Public Health Case Competition was held at the Health Science Library at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus earlier this month.

Fifteen teams received a realistic case-study about suicide prevalence, a public health issue especially relevant to Colorado. Each team had approximately 24 hours to analyze the case, create a public health solution and present it to a panel of judges.

First-place team in Public Health case competition The first-place winning team in this year's competition focused on veteran suicide prevention. Team members are, from left, Sujeith Barraza, Kacy Lorber, Phuong Banh, Elizabeth Ko and Morgan Nestingen. Photo by Katie Brumfield, Colorado School of Public Health.

The prizes for the top three teams were varying amounts of scholarship money up to $1,000. Three teams were chosen as the people’s choice recipients, with each member receiving $100.

The teams were specifically chosen to include different disciplines surrounding healthcare, including the Colorado School of Public Health (Colorado SPH), the CU School of Medicine, College of NursingCollege of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Public Affairs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School.

“Public health stretches across all disciplines,” said Tonya Ewers, director of communications and alumni relations for the ColoradoSPH. “This is a great practice-learning opportunity for these students to learn to work together to solve health problems.”

This year’s winning team included three graduate public health students from the ColoradoSPH — two from its program at CU Anschutz and one student from their program at the University of Northern Colorado — as well a graduate student in pharmacy and another in nursing. Fitting for Veterans Day, their focus was on veteran suicide prevention with a project title of “Serve and Support: You Stood for Us, Now Let Us Stand for You.” Their project included media outreach ads and posters with grabbing headlines like “It's Okay to Not Be Okay” and a peer navigation program that enrolls veterans at the time of discharge. Their case competition plan also included a mobile app and social media outreach to stay top of mind for veteran health.

First-place team member, Kacy Lorber (ColoradoSPH) posted photos of her experience on Instagram and said: “I got to present to so many important people but specifically two House Representatives in Colorado! The highlight was when state Rep. Dafna Michaelson Jenet told us that she got bill ideas from our presentations. I am so grateful for this experience.”

Judges panel at public health case competition Judges in the final round of the case competition are, from left, Carol Runyan, PhD, director of PIPER in the ColoradoSPH; state Rep. Kim Ransom; state Rep. Dafna Michaelson Jenet; Larry Wolk, MD; and Jon Samet, MD. Photo by Katie Brumfield, Colorado School of Public Health.

Diana Ir, current president of the case competition planning committee and student in the ColoradoSPH, participated in the competition last year.

“I had such a great experience,” said Ir. “I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to be a part of putting it together this year. I encourage everyone to participate in the future. Between the potential scholarship money and the awesome collaborative environment, you shouldn’t miss it!”

RESULTS – Rocky Mountain Regional Case Competition 

1st Place ($1,000 each student scholarship)

“Serve and Support

You Stood for Us, Now Let Us Stand with You!

Comprehensive Veteran Suicide Prevention”

Team Members and Affiliations

Sujeith Barraza, ColoradoSPH (UNC home campus)

Phuong Banh, ColoradoSPH

Elizabeth Ko, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

Kacy Lorber, ColoradoSPH

Morgan Nestingen, College of Nursing

2nd Place ($500 scholarship to each student):

“PACT: Patience Assistance Continuing Treatment: Expanding CDPHE’s Warm Handoff

Team Members and Affiliations

Angie Kim, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

Alison Hoffman, ColoradoSPH

Cheryl A. Jones, ColoradoSPH (UNC home campus)

Randy Xun, ColoradoSPH

3rd Place ($250 scholarship to each student):


Team Members and Affiliations

Charlotte Whitney, School of Public Affairs

Naga Srinija Gummadi, ColoradoSPH

Johnny Williams, ColoradoSPH

Vikasini Mahalingam, School of Medicine

Three teams received People’s Choice Awards ($100 scholarship to each student):

People’s Choice

“Hometown Platoon: A Mobile Mentorship Program”

Team Members and Affiliations

Heather Hergert, ColoradoSPH (CSU home campus)

Hailee Griffin, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

Isaiah Francis, ColoradoSPH

Hannah LaDow, ColoradoSPH

Scott Cao, School of Medicine

People’s Choice ($100 scholarship to each student):

“Welcome to My Life: CO Health Care Workers’ Wellness Program”

Team Members and Affiliations

Jenny Duong, ColoradoSPH

Heather Marshall, ColoradoSPH (CSU home campus)

Meena Mattamana, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

Hailey Hyde, ColoradoSPH

People’s Choice ($100 scholarship to each student):

“It’s Okay, To Not Be Okay”

Team Members and Affiliations

Madeline Huey, School of Medicine

Victoria Laskey, School of Public Affairs

Allison Seidel, ColoradoSPH

Katie Schweber, ColoradoSPH

Mackenzie Wilderman, College of Engineering and Applied Science (Bioengineering)

Editor's note: Tonya Ewers, director of communications and alumni relations for the Colorado School of Public Health, contributed to this report.