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Recent Medical & Health Science News Stories | Women's Health

Press Releases    Women's Health    Maternal & Child Health

Addressing Maternal Prenatal Depression can Lead to Longer Gestation, Researchers Say

A cohort of researchers lead by the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and the University of Denver are emphasizing the importance of maternal prenatal mental health, suggesting prenatal depression intervention can lead to longer gestation, healthier babies and intergenerational benefits.

Author Kelsea Pieters | Publish Date June 19, 2024
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Research    Women's Health

Closing the Gap Through Women’s Health and Gender Differences Research

For two decades, the research and discovery made possible by the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research has transformed the understanding of gender differences in medicine and led to improvements in quality of care for women.

Author Staff | Publish Date June 04, 2024
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Research    Women's Health

CU Anschutz Researchers Hope to Bridge Gap in Care and Treatment for Heart Disease in Women

Researchers at the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research published a paper in the Journal for Women’s Health Research that calls attention to how doctors can better diagnose and treat coronary heart disease (CHD) in women — particularly when it comes to the diagnosis of a heart attack.

Author Julia Milzer | Publish Date May 21, 2024
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Research    Women's Health   

Congresswoman Diana DeGette Visits Ludeman Center

Congresswoman Diana DeGette recently toured labs, participated in a panel and received a glimpse of the diverse and multidisciplinary work taking place at the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research that she said catches the national eye.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date May 10, 2024
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Research    Community    Women's Health   

First Lady Visits Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research

On April 20, First Lady Jill Biden toured labs and met with researchers at the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author Devin Lynn | Publish Date April 23, 2024
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Women's Health    COMBAT   

Military Standout Brings Strength to Women in Medicine

She was only 22 when Kathleen Flarity began attracting attention. As one of nine women in a U.S. Army airborne class of 500 men, Flarity and her fellow female service members were being pushed hard in an environment not yet welcoming of their gender.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date September 25, 2023
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Research    Women's Health   

Scientists Pursue Personalized Approach to Treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse

At least one in four women suffer with pelvic floor disorder symptoms that can range from urine leakage to organs falling out of place, sometimes protruding outside the vagina. Many women remain silent, embarrassed to share their issues even with their doctors.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date May 02, 2023
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Research    Women's Health    Advancement   

Research Powerhouse: CU Anschutz Strengthens Women’s Mental Health Focus

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide, with young adults and women hit the hardest, according to a scientific briefing released by the World Health Organization. Yet there’s still much that’s not understood about women’s health research and how it impacts their mental and physical health.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date May 01, 2023
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Community    Women's Health   

Suicide, Drug Overdose Top Killers of New Mothers in Colorado

Affected patients describe being gripped by “profound sadness” or “paralyzed” by bouts of anxiety and exhaustion. The feelings of perinatal mood disorders, which often result in a sense of hopelessness, strike mothers during what should be one of the happiest times of their lives.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date May 20, 2022
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Women's Health    Rheumatoid Arthritis    Autoimmune disease

Learning All About Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Hard Way

Prowling the kitchen for a late-night snack, I spotted a jar of peanut butter in the cupboard. I picked it up, twisted the lid and felt a jolt of pain in my wrist. I twisted harder and the pain turned to agony. A sense of dread crept over me. I put down the jar and stepped away.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date May 09, 2022
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Women's Health    Rheumatoid Arthritis   

What You Need to Know about Rheumatoid Arthritis

Well over 1.3 million Americans are living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network. The potentially debilitating disease turns the body’s immune system against itself, attacking tissues and joints. Left untreated, the disorder can lead to deformed joints and disability.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date May 09, 2022
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Research    Women's Health    Mental Health   

Coaching Program Reduces Burnout Among Resident Physicians

A coaching program aimed at decreasing burnout among female resident physicians significantly reduced emotional exhaustion and imposter syndrome while increasing self-compassion over a six-month period, according to researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date May 06, 2022
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Faculty    Women's Health   

Closing the Sex Gap in Medical Research: CU Center Leads Way

Whether it’s dangerous side effects with Ambien or poorer heart health with type 2 diabetes, women often react to drugs and disease differently than men. Yet studies behind these sex and gender differences in medical science are still relatively scant.

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date March 07, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    Women's Health

Stories of Vision and Achievement in Honor of Women’s History Month

From a Miss Colorado-turned-nurse who tells fellow graduates that their mission is more important than ever to researchers developing a homegown antibody test during the COVID-19 pandemic, the depth of talent and ambition among women on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is breathtaking.

Author Staff | Publish Date March 16, 2021
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Faculty    Women's Health    Mental Health

This Is Breakthrough: Dr. Neill Epperson

“One of the reasons studying the brain is so fascinating is we do have more to learn, and it is complex,” says Neill Epperson, MD, Robert Freedman endowed professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Colorado School of Medicine at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, “But let’s face it: this is the organ that is at the seat of who we are. Don’t we hope that it’s complex?” 

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date March 16, 2021
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Diabetes    Public Health    Women's Health   

Placental Function Can Illuminate Future Disease in Adults and Children

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered a direct association between placental function in pregnant women and future metabolic disorders in children and adults, a finding that could lead to earlier intervention and diagnosis of disease. 

Author David Kelly | Publish Date January 21, 2021
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Research    Women's Health

Women’s Health Research Event: Happiness ‘More Important Now Than Ever’

With COVID-19 cases surging around the world and a race for life-saving vaccines at the top of most people’s minds, focusing on happiness during the pandemic might seem petty. But it’s actually more important now than ever, said Laurie Santos, PhD, keynote speaker at the Nov. 11 Center for Women’s Health Research Annual Community Event.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date November 23, 2020
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