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Video shines light on an often hushed disease

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by Blair Ilsley | May 18, 2018

In recognition of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) awareness month, students Diana Ir, Hailey Hyde and Jacqueline Garner in the Colorado School of Public Health created a public health awareness video about the disease. IBD, which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, currently affects about 1.6 million Americans.

Featuring Brett Forrest, a local reporter, and his personal experiences with IBD, the group hopes to shine a light on a stigmatized disease.

“Medications, surgery and lifestyle changes can have a life-changing effect for those who are suffering from IBD,” said Ir of the importance of spreading awareness. “Our message and goal is to encourage individuals to contact their physicians if they believe they may have IBD or symptoms of IBD. Through this video, we hope to reduce stigmas associated with the disease.”
