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Caring and Connecting with the Community

minute read

by cupharmacy | December 30, 2015

“I love it. I just love it. I don’t worry about her any more. She can still live on her own,” says Rachel Ramirez about the care her 80-year-old mother, Eva Romero, receives from Assistant Professor Emily Kosirog and the Salud Clinic in Brighton.

It was a different story two years ago when the family thought Eva was having a stroke. Turns out it wasn’t a stroke, but Eva was experiencing serious side effects from the insulin she was taking for her diabetes. “I felt horrible. I started to sweat and felt faint. It was really scary.”

Eva credits Kosirog with the turnaround, “I don’t have high sugars anymore.” Like similar cases managed by pharmacists, Eva’s hemoglobin A1C levels have decreased and ER visits have become a thing of the past.

The difference has been time. Kosirog spends an hour for the first visit and can really dig into her patients’ personal lives. “I have the luxury of discovering what’s going on with them and trying to craft a plan that works for them and is realistic given the daily demands of their lives,” says Kosirog.

With the birth of Kosirog’s first child and Eva’s great-granddaughter, the two share more than blood sugar levels and data when they meet. They frequently show off the newest photos of their growing broods and share the latest milestones in the babies’ lives while sprinkling in important information about Eva's condition and how it's being managed.

Learn more about Eva and how Kosirog is helping her by checking out our video.
