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Homecoming 2015 Fun

minute read

by cupharmacy | October 19, 2015

Attracting 60 people including current and prospective pharmacy students, alumni and friends, the Oct. 17 annual Homecoming and tailgate, hosted by the CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences' Alumni Association, was a fun experience.  For alumna Julia Rawlings (BS '85, PharmD '04) ), "I look forward to coming back to Boulder this time of year. It's a wonderful event where I can mingle with students and fellow alums from the program." Attendees were treated to food, beverages, free Homecoming t-shirts and discounted tickets to the game.

Unfortunately, CU did not come away with a win, but did have a good showing against Arizona. After falling behind 17-7 early, CU did a nice job of rallying to take a 24-17 lead late in the third. The team's defense had completely shut down the Arizona offense, but a change in quarterbacks for Arizona turned the tide in their favor producing a 38-31 win. Despite the loss, the pharmacy group had a great time. "I love coming to this event. It's such a great backdrop for a night of football" says P-3 Andy Regalmuto.

