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Rotations and Student Perspectives

2 minute read

by cupharmacy | January 4, 2017

Learn more about preceptors and specific rotations from our students.  From local to out-of-state rotations, several fourth-year students share a variety of experiences.  Michelle Gaynor's practice site was in Ambulatory Care at the VA Boston Healthcare System-Jamaica Plain. Her preceptor was Anna Lubarsky, PharmD. "My first rotation in ambulatory care was a great experience.  My preceptor exposed me to complicated patients and challenged me to use my knowledge to treat the individual.  I worked with a variety of chronic diseases including hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, anticoagulation, anemia, chronic pain, and smoking cessation. I was fortunate to experience pharmacy practice in the Northeast, and loved working with a different patient population. This experience helped me gain confidence and clinical skills that will stay with me throughout my career."

Anna Zhou's experience at Stanford Health Care dealing with kidney and liver transplant patients "challenged me to think critically and apply the clinical knowledge I gained at CU in novel ways. Though it was a very challenging rotation, the experience I gained could not have been replaced. For students considering doing out-of-state rotations, if you're interested in a certain PGY1 program don't hesitate to contact our experiential office to help you set up an APPE (Advanced Practice) at the site.  Who knows? You may end up being a member of their next resident class."

Dana Ng's cardiology rotation was with Kelly Matsuda, MD, at Stanford Health Care. "My out-of-state rotation in the Cardiology ICU at Stanford Health Care was an irreplaceable experience.  With strong focuses on cardiovascular pathophysiology and pharmacology. I obtained the foundation for all aspects of clinical evaluation and care. My preceptor, Dr. Kelly Matsuda, possessed a true drive and talent for teaching both students and residents alike, in a way that was extremely effective. He held high standards, but provided a method of teaching that allowed us all to understand concepts in depth and meet his expectations."


Topics: Students
