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Student Winter Symposium 2017

2 minute read

by cupharmacy | February 21, 2017

On January 18th, the Student Winter Symposium took place at CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The involvement of the graduate students of the three PhD programs (Pharmaceutical sciences, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical outcomes research) at the School, as well as from the PharmD program was outstanding.

The schedule of the symposium included 15 poster presentations and eight oral presentations, which contributed significantly in the exchange of knowledge and sharing of information about research that is being conducted at the School. The highlight of the event was the talk from Dr. Richard I. Morimoto (PhD), the director of Rice institute for Biomedical research of Northwestern University. Dr. Morimoto, a leader in the field of aging and a distinguished researcher, described the events that take place during aging that lead to proteostasis collapse, a mechanism involved in the promotion of Alzheimer’s disease pathology.

Attendance exceeded expectations and positive comments about the symposium were mentioned; specifically by Dr. Morimoto who applauded the event, praised the quality of research that takes place at CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and expressed his happiness for the invitation to be the symposium’s keynote speaker. The awards for best oral presentation were given to Deepanshi Dhar (Tox) and Stefanos Aivazidis (Tox). The awards for best poster presentation were given to Ashwini Sri Hari (Tox), Aditya Gandhi (Pharm Sci) and Ahsun Babalmorad (PharmD).


Topics: Research, Students
