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Warming Feet and Hearts This Holiday Season

2 minute read

by cupharmacy | December 14, 2015

With more than 2,000 items collected and donated by faculty, staff and PharmD students for the Colfax Community Network, this year's Holiday Drive was tremendously successful. Socks were the clear gift of choice with more than 685 pairs collected, which will definitely warm many feet and hearts this holiday season!  Teams consisted of each PharmD class pitted against each other and a team of faculty/staff.

This year, the stakes were high for all involved -- losers to serve bagels and coffee to the winning team attired in Dean Altiere-like mustaches. (Remind me, has anyone ever seen the Dean sans mustache? That's what I thought -- a big fat "No." Who knows maybe next year he will shave for us.)

And the competition came down to the wire! For weeks it looked as if staff and faculty would come away with the win. But the P-2s did some "extreme couponing" and came in two hours before deadline with a huge assortment of stuffed toys, toiletries, art supplies, and yes... socks!  All hopes of a win for staff and faculty dashed at the last minute... What a dastardly plan. Well played, P-2s, well-played. I can hear the evil cackle now. Beware...we will not underestimate you next year! The gauntlet has been thrown.

The results follow:

  • #1 P-2s
  • #2 Staff/Faculty
  • #3 P-3s
  • #4 P-1s


Topics: Community, Students
