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COVID-19 - What To Do

Staying Healthy - Finding Help

minute read

by Robert Thompson | March 11, 2020

Editor's Note:
Information and guidance on dealing with COVID-19 is evolving daily. Therefore, the information contained in this posting will be updated accordingly. We urge you to check back frequently for the latest and most accurate tips, guidance, and resources.

What we know -

COVID-19 like the common cold and influenza, causes upper respiratory problems - fever, coughing, fatigue.

It appears to be highly contagious.


And, it is proving to be much more of a threat to older individuals and those with compromised immune systems.

This health crisis continues to affect us all and will for some time to come.

That's why we offer up the latest information, tips, and guidance to help keep you and your families more informed and, hopefully, a little healthier during this trying time.

First and foremost -

** If you or a family member is sick, stay home and care for yourself and each other.
** Promptly call your doctor or family medicine clinic if you exhibit symptoms like cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
** UCHealth patients are encouraged to frequently check HERE for the latest information and guidance on scheduling appointments, COVID-19 testing, and more.
** UCHealth providers may access the latest healthcare guidance and information HERE.
** Further, if you have a scheduled appointment for whatever reason and are concerned about visiting the clinic in-person - please call your clinic to see if they can reschedule you for a virtual visit via computer or smartphone.

Preparedness -

Prepare like you would for a major winter storm because you may need to stay home for an extended period of time to care for yourself or others:  

** Stock up on essential items – enough to last at least two weeks without a run to the store.            
** Don’t forget to have ample supplies of necessary over-the-counter medications as well as prescription medications available.    
** Ask your children’s schools and daycares about their action plan so that you can plan ahead.

Hygiene and Prevention -

Common sense things can make a big difference:

** Wash your hands frequently.     
** Cover your coughs.     
** Sneeze into your elbow (elbow = germ jail).     
** Keep your hands away from your face – no eye rubbing or nose scratching.   
** Frequently wipe down surfaces (door knobs, computer keyboard, telephone handset, cell phone, etc.) with anti-bacterial wipes.
** Practice social distancing - allow for a bit more personal space around yourself in public - avoid large gatherings of people.
** Consider delaying or rescheduling travel, especially international travel.

Information and resources links -

Read up on the latest COVID-19 news, updates, and tips on these trusted websites.

** CU School of Medicine
** Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
** Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

** CU Anschutz Medical Campus – What You Need to Know at CU About Coronavirus
** University of Colorado
** Johns Hopkins University Interactive Coronavirus Map
