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DFM Fellow Honored

National Award Spotlights Work On Provider Well-Being

minute read

by Robert Thompson | November 10, 2020
Medical student raising hand in class

Matthew “Robbie” Robert Martin, MD, is a new fourth-year fellow in the Department of Family Medicine (DFM). And, like any good over-achiever, he’s already garnering national attention for his work!


Dr. Martin has won the 2021 David C. Leach Award from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The award was created in 2008 to honor former ACGME Executive Director David C. Leach, MD, and his contributions to resident education and physician well-being.

Martin won for his work promoting resident well-being while he, himself, was a resident at Denver’s Saint Joseph’s Family Medicine Residency.

Now as a DFM fellow, he is continuing that work researching evidence-based burnout prevention for providers and promoting overall well-being for physicians.Through his fellowship, Martin hopes to develop a foundation for teaching about the importance of provider well-being (the practice of medicine is extremely stressful) and to translate that into effective advocacy for providers at a systems level. He says that physicians need more support in order to provide the best care to their patients.

Robbie plans to accept his award during the virtual ACGME Conference in February 2021.

A few more tidbits:     

** Dr. Martin practices at Stride Community Health Center in Aurora.     
** He is a fluent Spanish speaker.     
** He is eager to hear anything from anyone regarding provider well-being – stories, thoughts, ideas – just let him know.

Topics: Education, Honors,
