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Dr. Emily Lines and A.F. Williams in the News

New Model Of Teaching

minute read

by Robert Thompson | August 4, 2024
Image of a stethoscope

Dr. Emily Lines was featured prominently in a Denver Post article about the CU SOM “longitudinal integrated clerkship” model of medical student training: 


Dr. Emily Lines, an assistant professor of family medicine and medical director of the Williams clinic, said she worked as a preceptor, or on-the-job teacher and mentor, for students before and after the change to a longitudinal model. The model fits family medicine particularly well, because students are unlikely to see effects within a month or two if they counsel patients on lifestyle changes, she said. 

“One of the things to learn in primary care is that changes in health don’t happen     overnight,” she said. 

Read the full article.  

Topics: Education, Clinics,
