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DFM Integrated Behavioral Health Care Spotlighted

5280 Magazine Features Our Program and People

minute read

by Robert Thompson | January 9, 2020

UCHealth recently made headlines for announcing a five-year, $110-million investment in expanding integrated behavioral health services in their family and primary care practice locations.

Behind those headlines was the fact that the integrated behavioral health programs they invested in are the very same programs that the CU Department of Family Medicine pioneered more than a decade ago. The same programs that are alive and well today in clinics like the A.F. Williams Family Medicine Clinic in Stapleton.

That particular program and our own Shandra Brown Levey, PhD, are featured in a recently published story in 5280 Magazine about the real-life, positive impacts of integrated behavioral health care.


Kudos to Shandra for representing our department so well and taking the opportunity to spread the word about the importance of taking care of our minds as well as our bodies.

Read the story here.
