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Humans of Family Medicine

Real Stories of Real Family Medicine Colleagues

minute read

by Robert Thompson | May 20, 2020

Everyone loves a good story.

And, that is just what Humans of Family Medicine (HFM) aims to provide.

A new social media-based campaign from the University of Colorado School of Medicine Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG), HFM has kicked off on Instagram sharing the personal stories of dedicated family medicine providers.

Curated and posted by FMIG medical student members, HFM takes inspiration from the popular Humans of New York blog which tells the story of regular, everyday New Yorkers in personal and memorable way.

FMIG members Jennifer Robinson and Michael Persinger are heading up the project.

Jennifer is a third year medical student and Michael is finishing up his first year.


“Family Medicine is a unique specialty in that there are so many different avenues one can pursue as a family medicine physician. The current leadership team wanted to continue the project for this reason,” said Persinger.


Robinson added, “We all enjoy the broad opportunities that exist in family medicine, and want to bring them to light. Additionally, we found that social media would be an exceptional tool for connecting with others and serve as an easier way to connect with a much larger audience.”

Humans of Family Medicine is live on Instagram and is soon coming to Twitter.

Connect and enjoy these uplifting stories of our family medicine colleagues.

Check out the FMIG web page on the DFM website.

Topics: Education,
