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Refugee Health Research Agenda in North America

Sarah Brewer, PhD, MPA in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

minute read

by Liz Campbell | October 17, 2024
Individuals in the attire of medical providers talking around a table.

In collaboration with eleven individuals from varied medical institutions and a lot of work with the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers Research Evaluation and Ethics committee, Sarah Brewer, PhD, MPA, has published "Development of a Refugee Health Research Agenda in North America" in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

The purpose of this research and publication is to set and describe research priorities in the field of refugee health as, per the abstract, "the lack of a cohesive, stakeholder-informed refugee health research agenda has been a barrier to promoting, funding, and conducting health research with refugee populations in North America."

Read the full publication

Sarah Brewer

