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Cutting vegetables

Empowering Students in the Kitchen:

A Recipe for Success

minute read

Written by Wellness Connections on December 14, 2023
What You Need To Know

The CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center offers the CU Eat Well interactive cooking classes just for CU Anschutz students. These free classes offer the opportunity for students to cook alongside the instructors and other students.

Carly PhotoAt the CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, one student has found a unique way to blend fun and nutritional education into one. Meet Carly Setterberg, a University of Colorado School of Medicine 2024 M.D. candidate whose health sciences journey took a flavorful turn through the CU Eat Well Cooking Classes at the CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center.

Carly had a natural interest in the intersection between health and food, leading her to major in health sciences during her college years. However, when she discovered the CU Eat Well cooking class, she gained some valuable experiences beyond the science of it all. In Carly’s words, "CU Eat Well Cooking Classes are fun and educational experiences all wrapped into one."

The classes, held at the CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, offer a blend of enjoyment and education. Carly shares, "Each CU Eat Well class I attend is a pleasant experience - I always meet a number of students from other programs across campus, try new ingredients and recipes I would never think to make on my own, and learn important culinary skills and terms."

Carly emphasizes, "I am extremely grateful CU offers these classes to students and think everyone can benefit from them, whether in their own personal life or when caring for and educating patients."


One of the significant impacts of these classes on Carly’s life has been the expansion of her culinary skills and knowledge. She has personally branched out with the types of ingredients she uses in her daily cooking.  She notes, "I feel more confident in the kitchen." The classes not only introduced her to new flavors and techniques but also provided a place to engage with like-minded individuals from diverse academic backgrounds.
Expressing her gratitude, Carly emphasizes, "I am extremely grateful CU offers these classes to students and think everyone can benefit from them, whether in their own personal life or when caring for and educating patients." The practical skills acquired in these classes extend beyond personal enjoyment; they contribute to the holistic development of students who may one day play a role in shaping the health and well-being of others.