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The Crucial Role of Balanced Nutrition and Exercise with Weight Loss Medications.

minute read

by Wellness Connections | October 1, 2024

Maintaining a balanced nutrition plan and regular exercise routine is vital for anyone looking to manage their health effectively. This becomes even more important when you're taking antiobesity medications, such as GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) receptor agonists. These medications, commonly prescribed for individuals with type 2 diabetes and obesity, work by regulating blood sugar levels and promoting weight loss. However, the potential side effects of these medications make it crucial to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition for a holistic approach to health management.

Enhancing Medication Efficacy with Nutrition and Exercise
GLP-1 medications stimulate insulin release in response to elevated blood sugar levels and slow the absorption of glucose from the digestive system. A balanced nutrition plan helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, making it easier for the medication to work effectively. Dr. Dan Bessesen, Director of the CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, emphasizes the synergy between medication and nutrition: "A healthful diet plays a pivotal role in managing diabetes. It not only complements the medication but also helps in achieving better overall health outcomes." 

Moreover, many individuals struggle with weight management, a challenge that GLP-1 medications can address by reducing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness. However, these benefits are maximized when combined with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. "Weight loss medications are a tool, not a magic bullet," says Dr. John Taormina, a physician at the CU Medicine Weight Management and Wellness Clinic. "Proper nutrition and regular exercise amplify the benefits and contribute to sustainable weight management." 


Addressing Nutrient Absorption and Side Effects
GLP-1 medications can affect nutrient absorption, making it essential to pay attention to your diet to prevent deficiencies. Coach Marsha Miller, AHWC Director of Weight Management Programs which includes My New Weigh and Weight Loss 4 Life, highlights the importance of nutrient-rich foods: "Ensuring you receive all essential nutrients supports the body's overall function and enhances the effectiveness of weight loss medications." 

Common side effects of GLP-1 medications include nausea, vomiting, and constipation/diarrhea. These can be managed and mitigated through balanced nutrition and proper hydration. Additionally, regular physical activity can improve gastrointestinal function and overall well-being. "Exercise not only aids in weight loss but also improves insulin sensitivity and helps manage blood sugar levels," explains Dr. Adam Gilden, a physician and Associate Director at the CU Medicine Weight Management and Wellness Clinic.  


Preserving Muscle Mass with Exercise
One significant concern during weight loss is the potential loss of muscle mass. Muscle tissue plays a critical role in maintaining metabolic health, supporting physical function, and preventing chronic diseases. "When losing weight, it's essential to preserve lean muscle mass to maintain strength, metabolism, and overall health," says Dr. Taormina. "Exercise, particularly resistance training, is key to achieving this." 

Scientific evidence supports the integration of resistance training with weight loss efforts. A study published in the Journal of Obesity found that individuals who incorporated resistance training into their weight loss plan retained more muscle mass compared to those who relied solely on dietary changes. Another study in the Journal of Applied Physiology highlighted that combining aerobic and resistance exercise significantly improved body composition and metabolic health during weight loss. Improving fitness with aerobic exercise along with maintaining muscle mass through resistance training promotes the best overall health outcomes. 

The Multifaceted Benefits of Exercise
Exercise offers a multitude of benefits beyond weight loss and muscle preservation. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart disease. It also enhances mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety and improving overall mood. "Exercise is a powerful tool for overall well-being," says Dr. Bessesen. "It positively impacts almost every aspect of health, making it a critical component of any weight loss plan." 

Dr Bessesen further explains “exercise improves insulin sensitivity, which helps the body use glucose more effectively and lowers blood sugar levels. This is particularly important for individuals with type 2 diabetes”. Physical activity also boosts energy levels, enhances sleep quality, and promotes better mobility and flexibility, contributing to a higher quality of life. 

CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center's Role in Weight Loss Research
The CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center is at the forefront of weight loss research, actively conducting groundbreaking clinical trials. Such investigational trials typically involve randomization where study participants have the chance to take a placebo or an investigational weight loss medication (that is not yet on the market nor FDA-approved) as pharmaceutical companies test their new anti-obesity medications. These trials aim to explore the efficacy of investigational weight loss medications in conjunction with lifestyle counseling. 

Participants in these trials have shared positive feedback about the holistic approach. "Participants are typically very interested in the lifestyle component of these studies as a means to learn new healthy habits that they will carry with them even after the research study ends," says Jeanne Anne Breen, Research Service Manager and Director of Clinical Trials at AHWC. "Study participants learn the importance of balanced nutrition and regular exercise, and it can make a significant difference in their overall health." 

Focusing on Lifestyle
A significant focus of these trials and the center's approach is the integration of lifestyle management. "While medications can aid in weight loss, lifestyle changes are the foundation for long-term success," says Marsha Miller. "Our research emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise to maximize the benefits of these medications." 

Long-Term Health Benefits
Diabetes management goes beyond controlling blood sugar levels; it's about reducing the risk of complications such as heart disease, kidney problems, and nerve damage. A healthful diet and regular movement including aerobic exercise, strength training, and for older individuals work on flexibility and balance contribute to long-term health by lowering these risks. Dr. Bessesen stresses, "A holistic approach to health, incorporating medication, nutrition, and exercise, is essential for preventing complications and improving quality of life." 

Incorporating a balanced nutrition plan and regular exercise routine is crucial when taking weight loss medications like GLP-1 receptor agonists. These lifestyle choices not only enhance the medication's efficacy but also support weight management, nutrient absorption, muscle preservation, and overall health. Consulting with healthcare providers and registered dietitians can help create personalized plans tailored to individual needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes. 

For more information and to see what research studies are currently seeking volunteers, visit our website at anschutzwellness.com

Meet our providers at the CU Medicine Weight Management and Wellness Clinic at AHWC. 

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Dr. Dan Bessesen

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Dr. Adam Gilden

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Dr. John Michael Taormina

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Jeanne Anne Breen, MS

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Marsha Miller, MS, RD