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Recent Medical & Health Science News Stories | Bladder Cancer

Press Releases    Bladder Cancer

Researchers Discover a Mechanism That Could Improve Platinum-Based Cancer Therapy

Researchers have identified a protein that, when targeted, enables cisplatin-resistant cancer cells to become responsive to treatment. Cisplatin, and other similar platinum drugs, are incredibly effective at killing rapidly growing cancer cells, which is why they have been used in treating cancers for over 45 years. However, these drugs are non-targeted and can cause debilitating toxic side effects, resulting in a diminished lifestyle, and patients in poor health are deemed ineligible for use.

Author Kelsea Pieters | Publish Date March 27, 2024
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Patient Care    Community    Faculty    Bladder Cancer   

Sculpture Crafted in Honor of Cancer Doctor’s Impact on Patient’s Life

Gifts of significance don’t always have to be large monetary contributions. Sometimes, the most impactful gifts don’t involve money at all.

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date November 07, 2022
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