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Recent Medical & Health Science News Stories | Vaccinations

Vaccinations    Epidemiology    Infectious disease

Scientists Identify Key Protein Behind Spread of Shingles Virus

Scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered a new evasion strategy used by the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles, that may allow it to affect tissues far from the original site of infection.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date July 25, 2024
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Community    Public Health    Vaccinations    Equity Diversity and Inclusion   

Program That Culturally Tailored COVID-19 Messages Spotlighted

The constant influx of rapidly changing data at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic was difficult to understand, creating a public health communication gap that took a particular toll on disproportionately affected communities.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date February 12, 2024
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Vaccinations    Advocacy    Pediatrics   

Researchers Say Media Focus on Vaccine Hesitancy Distorts Reality

Media stories focusing on vaccine hesitancy can distort reality and drive a false narrative that a large percentage of parents are refusing to get their children vaccinated, according to an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine by two pediatricians from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date February 06, 2024
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COVID-19    Vaccinations   

CDC Study Backs Bivalent Booster Effectiveness. So Why is Uptake So Low?

If any of the 86% of Americans lacking a current bivalent booster took a shot on the omicron-targeting vaccine right now, their chances of being sick with COVID-19 on Christmas Day would fall by as much as half.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date December 12, 2022
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Neuroscience    Vaccinations    Genetics

Scientists Find Probable Cause of Shingles/Stroke Link

Scientists investigating why people who have had shingles are at a higher risk of stroke now believe the answer lies within lipid vesicles called exosomes that shuttle proteins and genetic information between cells, according to new research from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date October 27, 2022
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COVID-19    Awareness    Vaccinations

Expert: A Collision of Factors Could Give Rise to a ‘Rocky’ Flu Season

As the season changes and we inch closer to winter, healthcare professionals are gearing up for this year’s flu season. How do researchers shape annual vaccine design? What kind of flu season are we in for? What happens when we get more than one vaccine at once?

Author Kelsea Pieters | Publish Date September 27, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Press Releases    COVID-19    Vaccinations    Clinical    lungs

New Study Paves Way to Better Understanding and Treating Long COVID

A new study published in today’s issue of PLOS Pathogens is the first to link SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells to lung function and those who suffer from long-term COVID symptoms. Long COVID currently affects hundreds of millions of Americans.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date June 09, 2022
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COVID-19    Vaccinations    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz

From Emerging Variants to Grandma’s Health, Experts Say COVID-19 Youth Vaccines Still Matter

As office buildings refill with employees, and grocery stores bustle with mask-less shoppers, a question remains during the biggest lull in the COVID-19 pandemic yet: What about the children?

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date March 17, 2022
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Press Releases    COVID-19    Vaccinations

Immediate Allergic Reaction to Second SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Dose Less Likely to Happen After Reaction to First

Researchers from universities in Canada and the United States have found that patients who experienced an immediate allergic reaction of any kind to a first SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose are unlikely to experience severe immediate allergic reactions to a second dose.

Author Kelsea Pieters | Publish Date February 22, 2022
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COVID-19    Vaccinations   

Eight Things You Should Know About Omicron

Omicron is hitting the nation hard, pushing delta out as it infects at a higher rate of speed than any SARS-CoV-2 variant so far. In past days, infection rates in some of Colorado’s mountain towns have topped the nation, even in areas with high vaccination rates.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date January 11, 2022
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

As New Vaccine Rollout for Youth Launches, CU Anschutz Parent Experts Share Views

According to her dad, Mia McMurray hates needles. The 8-year-old dutifully gets her flu shot every year, but not without dread. So when his daughter jumped at the chance to take part in a clinical trial for the COVID-19 vaccine, Michael McMurray was surprised.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date November 02, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

U.S. Opens Doors to COVID-19 Booster Shots for Millions of Americans

With the U.S. approval of another COVID-19 shot now expanded to Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients, the doors have opened for tens of millions of more Americans to boost their immunity against the coronavirus.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date October 26, 2021
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Campus Life    COVID-19    Vaccinations

COVID Vaccine Deadline Sept. 1; Verification Now Live

A reminder to the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus community: The Sept. 1 deadline for meeting the CU Anschutz COVID-19 vaccination requirement is fast approaching. If you have not yet begun the vaccination process, please take action quickly to do so. 

Author Staff | Publish Date August 05, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

Delta Variant Overtakes COVID-19 Cases in Colorado: Should You Worry?

As a race that pits vaccine against virus forges on, a stealthy move by one contender might have just pushed the finish line farther out.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date July 06, 2021
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Research    Community    Vaccinations

Something to Believe In

As you might imagine, this is quite a time to be a scientist who does vaccine-related research. Usually, mentioning my chosen profession as an immunologist is the fastest way to get the crickets chirping at a cocktail party, but now I cannot get out of conversations with complete strangers in less than a half an hour if they find out what I do for a living.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date May 27, 2021
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Research    Public Health    Vaccinations

Evidence Suggests Bubonic Plague Had Long-Term Effect on Immunity Genes

Scientists examining the remains of 36 bubonic plague victims from a 16th century mass grave in Germany have found the first evidence that evolutionary adaptive processes, driven by the disease, may have conferred immunity on later generations from the region.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date May 18, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccines Throw Tough Early Parenting Decision at Pregnant Women

Women whose pregnancies were confirmed during the pandemic now face another test: making the COVID-19 vaccine decision. With a new little being inside of them, a higher risk of severe disease while pregnant and a lag in pregnancy-related data for the vaccines, their early parenting choice offers no blanket answer.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date April 19, 2021
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Community    COVID-19    Vaccinations

Big Shot in the Arm: Buoyant Mood Fills CU Anschutz Vaccination Clinic

Some got misty-eyed. Many felt a moment of elation. Virtually all visitors sensed the shedding of an emotional weight – a feeling that freer, happier days lie ahead.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 13, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

Fireworks and Freedom in 2021? Maybe a Sparkle But Probably Not a Full Launch

President Joe Biden has painted a bright picture for the coming Fourth of July holiday, claiming all Americans will have access to a COVID-19 vaccine by May 1. Assuming most people accept their shots, and the vaccination rate continues at its current pace, the restrictive cloud hanging over the country could finally lift by summer.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date March 23, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

Vaccinated? You Are Now Free to Move About the Cabin. Sort of.

For about 1.2 million Coloradans, the world suddenly appears brighter. They represent the small percentage of the state’s 5.9 million residents who, some might say, won the lottery first. They already have at least one COVID-19 shot.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date March 16, 2021
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Patient Care    COVID-19    Vaccinations

Series Looks at the Vaccine Rollout Offering the World a Hint of Hope

At a time when life before COVID-19 seems like a dream, a vaccine rollout garnering the world’s attention offers a glimpse of hope for a return to pre-pandemic life. But, as with everything SARS-CoV-2-related, questions and uncertainties remain.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 18, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

When Pathogens Invade, the Body Fights Back. And It Can Hurt.

Ross Kedl, PhD, doesn’t mince words when he describes the effects of his COVID-19 vaccine: “It packs a wallop,” said the University of Colorado School of Medicine professor.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 18, 2021
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COVID-19    Vaccinations

Taking Aim During Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: It’s Not Easy

On Dec. 14, when the first COVID-19 vaccine hit Colorado, healthcare providers were cast into another trying mission: Vaccinate the state’s 5.7 million residents as rapidly as possible to end the pandemic. Their average weekly supply? About 60,000 doses.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 11, 2021
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