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Mental Health Matters

Advice for Nurses and Nursing Students to Manage Stress

by Molly Smerika | February 21, 2025

Nearly 60% of nurses felt burnt out in 2023. While that’s a high percentage, it is down from 77% during the height of the pandemic. Nursing is a rewarding career, but the reality is, the profession can be challenging and stressful.

Nurses and nursing students need to understand they’re not alone if they feel stressed, worried, or overwhelmed.

"It's important to maintain boundaries in work, school, and life. You need to set aside time away from work and school," says Kerry Peterson, PhD, director of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) program at the University of Colorado College of Nursing. “It’s so easy to get caught up in everything, but you have to build in time to take care of yourself because if you’re constantly on the go, you’re going to drain your battery.”

Checking On Your Mental Health

There are signs nurses and nursing students should look out for when it comes to their mental health. Feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, having trouble sleeping, or having trouble with day-to-day activities is a sign to focus on self-care or consider seeking professional help.

“You might be having trouble with your mental health if you’re not participating in things you used to enjoy, if you avoid social situations and interactions, if you feel persistently sad or irritable, or if you are having any symptoms that are interfering with your daily functioning,” Peterson says.

Focus On Self-Care and Wellness

Peterson says nurses and nursing students should maintain boundaries when juggling demands between school, work, family, and other obligations. It’s important to set aside time for self-care and to focus on your mental health through self-care and wellness practices.

“Self-care and wellness look different for each person, but it includes doing things that will rejuvenate us and help us feel less stressed,” she says. “You want to do something that will help you recharge.”

💡CU Nursing Tip: Self-care and wellness practices include having a creative outlet (like painting, crafting, or cooking), exercising, going outside, getting fresh air, or spending time on various hobbies.

Understand Your Nursing Program

Peterson says nursing students should mentally prepare for their program and have realistic expectations about what the program entails.

“We know nursing school is stressful, and it’s normal to feel stressed,” Peterson says. “Part of becoming a nursing student is mentally preparing and having those realistic expectations. Students should understand that while nursing school is a huge time commitment, you can get through it and there’s a purpose behind all the hard work to earn your degree. The goal is in sight, and you can do this,” Peterson says.

“Talking with others who are going through the same challenges or are having the same experiences can be helpful,” Peterson says. “It’s okay to vent about things and it’s helpful to talk about your day or things that are stressful with your classmates.”

Finding Support at Your Job

Nurses may be asked to work long hours or cover someone’s shift, which can lead to feeling burnt out. Peterson says it’s important to work in a supportive environment.

“We’ve seen tremendous burnout among nurses and healthcare workers, and we can’t ignore the problem,” she says. “There’s been a lot of recent emphasis on healthy workplace initiatives and more support in focusing on mental health.”

Talk to Your Peers

Peterson suggests if students or nurses are feeling overwhelmed, they should talk to their peers, classmates, and fellow nurses.

“Other nurses and nursing students can sometimes be the best support because they’re going through or have gone through the same stressors,” Peterson says. “Within the nursing profession, it’s important to normalize talking with fellow nurses about the way you’re feeling because that way you can get support and validation and be connected to mental health resources if needed.”

💡CU Nursing Tip: Student nurses can also reach out to a faculty member for support. They can also consider joining a student organization to get involved and make connections.

Ask Someone How They’re Doing

For a long time, there has been a negative stigma surrounding mental health that it seems taboo to ask someone how they’re feeling. Asking someone how they’re feeling – or asking to talk to someone – is showing concern and care for the other person.

“You may not be able to fix someone’s mental health concerns, but you can listen to them and connect them with resources or referrals,” she says.

Having a Support System

People may turn to unhealthy behaviors like substance abuse (with drugs or alcohol) or overeating to cope. Instead, Peterson advises nurses should rely on their family, friends, or peers for support.

“Having a good support system is also critical,” Peterson says. “Utilize mental health resources through CU Nursing or Anschutz Medical Campus. Hospital systems and clinics should also have resources for their nurses to prioritize their mental health.”

💡CU Nursing Tip: A list of mental health resources is below and they are available for CU Nursing students, staff, and faculty.

Mental Health Resources on Campus

  • Student Resident and Mental Health – Provides confidential mental health services for all students at the Anschutz Medical Campus
  • Telus Health Student Support app (formerly MySSP) – Telus Health Student Support app is available to students, offering free online mental health counseling and support resources anytime, anywhere
  • CARE Team – The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team evaluates individuals on campus who may pose a safety risk to themselves or others. The team coordinates with students, faculty, and staff as well as concerned others to identify, assess, and intervene with individuals of concern
  • Colorado Crisis Center – Support and counseling for yourself or a loved one
Featured Expert
Staff Mention

Kerry Peterson, PhD, DNP, PMHCNS-BC, PMHNP-BC