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12 Careers You Can Have with a PharmD

1 minute read

by cupharmacy | January 12, 2016

Considering a career in pharmacy, or do you already have your PharmD and want a change of scenery? Since Jan. 12 is National Pharmacist’s Day, here are 12 jobs you can do with a PharmD:

  1. Clinical Pharmacist
  2. Hospital Pharmacist
  3. Community Pharmacist
  4. Veterinary Pharmacist
  5. Business Owner
  6. Academia
  7. IT Pharmacy
  8. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (i.e. Indian Health Service, FDA, and Bureau of Prisons)
  9. Geriatric Pharmacist
  10. Poison Control Pharmacist
  11. Consulting
  12. Marketing

Want more information or would like to speak with someone about a specific pathway? Check out Rx for Your Success.

Topics: Students
