Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences alumnus Nick Perez, PharmD, feels like his residency was tailored to his interests.
“I’m doing an Acute Care PGY1 at UC Health Memorial in Colorado Springs,” Dr. Perez said. “I’m excited, from other experiences with UC Health, the level of education is outstanding.”
Perez enjoyed all of his education, and spent his final rotation at Denver Indian Health and Family Services, Denver's only Urban Indian Health Program providing culturally appropriate care for American Indian and Alaskan Native adults, children, and families.
"I do it all here," he said. "Patient care, paperwork, billing. I have learned a lot."
Rotations are part of CU Pharmacy's Experiential Education, an innovative, hands-on curriculum designed to develop pharmacists who are ready to create change.
Perez is one such pharmacist. He uses humor to connect with his patients, has dabbled in standup comedy, and his energy naturally attracts a following. As a P1 he was class secretary and decided to run for class president when other students assumed he would.
“I was able to run for class president because others saw an energy in me, and it gave me confidence,” he said. “I realized that potential is in everyone. If you believe in that, and feed it, in anyone, you can accomplish a lot. I see that in my classmates. They all have potential and if you nourish that, everyone can accomplish a lot.”
He has one message for future students.
“Believe in yourself, harder,” he said. “You are part of something bigger, and if you believe in that, and you believe in yourself, you can make an impact.”
Photo a top: Dr. Nick Perez works with Dr. Leah Fitzgerald at the Denver Indian Health and Family Services Clinic during a student rotation.