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Excitement Palpable as Class of 2020 Donned White Coats

2 minute read

by cupharmacy | August 23, 2016

Orientation week for the Class of 2020 culminated in the great marshmallow challenge, the White Coat ceremony and annual barbecue.  With 162 P-1 students, this year's class was the largest in the school's history.  In addition to being presented to their family and friends as pharmacy candidates, the students were led by fellow P-1 Ryan Sutherlan in reciting the Oath of Professional Pharmacy Student, which they created during orientation week.  According to Drs. Kari Franson and Laura Borgelt, "This was the best oath ever." Check out the oath below.

Oath of Professional Pharmacy Student

We, the PharmD Students of the Class of 2020, pledge to:

  • Establish a foundation of respect and trust with peers and patients by demonstrating professionalism in our community.
  • Demonstrate confidence and expertise by utilizing the knowledge and skills obtained through continuing education.
  • Promote the dynamic role of pharmacy by leading interprofessional collaboration to advance patient care.
  • Serve our community selflessly with compassion and dedication.
  • Embody the utmost level of integrity and demonstrate the highest ethical standards.
  • Lead our profession with empathy, dignity and patience while devoting time to personal growth and lifelong learning.

As a member of the class of 2020, I pledge to uphold the ideals and abide by the principles of this document.


Topics: Students
