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Holy Towering Marshmallows!

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by cupharmacy | August 26, 2015

From white marshmallows to white coats, first-year PharmD students got a taste for what the next four years would hold with their fellow classmates. The Class of 2019 spent orientation week getting acclimated with the program and acquainted with their cohort.

The week kicked off with several sessions including Introduction to Pharmacy, Personality Inventory, and Pharmacotherapy to help the students get in the right mindset for the next four years.

Then, students participated in team-building exercises like the Great Marshmallow Challenge. For this activity, students were separated into small groups and were tasked with building the highest structure they could with raw spaghetti, tape, string, and marshmallows.

The week culminated with the White Coat Ceremony where 138 students were officially welcomed to the program. Students and CU School of Pharmacy staff celebrated afterward with a barbecue.

Topics: Students
