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Matches Made in Heaven

3 minute read

by cupharmacy | May 11, 2015

Congratulations to our fourth-year students who recently matched into PGY-1 residency programs.  To date, 39 students have matched into ASHP’s Residency Match Program including Joselyn Benabe, Andrea Boyce, Caitlin Butler, Sara Byrnes, Michael Casias, Frank Colletti. Carolyn Dahlman, Christina Davis, Nicole Dimaano, Emily Elwell, Brian Fox, Jenna Gorrell, Liane Horiuchi, Ashley Huntsberry, Natalie Kallhoff, Robbie Kattappuram, Monika Lach, Philip Leong, Mengyan Li, Kelsey Melander, Arya Mishra, Kaitlyn Moorehead, Sarah Newman, Atit Patel, Kathleen Paulson, Trang Phan, Azhin Qadir, Lindsay Rumold, Stephen Shaw, Suhair Shawar, Ankit Shukla, Hai Tran, Kellie Vanderburg, Laura Vriesman, Jarod Weidner, Kirby Welston, Cecilia Wong, Regina Yun, Renjbar Zebari.  In addition, Cameron LaChappelle and Deidra Newbrough were selected for Indian Health Services (IHS) PGY-1 residencies. Also, 12 graduates from our 2014 class matched to PGY-2 residencies. We are so proud of you.

Our school has consistently ranked above the national average in terms of graduates receiving residency placements. This year is no exception with a 69% success rate of students obtaining PGY-1 residencies, two points above the national average. A list of the students and where they will be headed post-graduation follows. If we missed anyone, please forward the information to Dana.Brandorff@ucdenver.edu


ASHP PGY-1 Residency Matches

Joselyn Benabe                       Exempla Saint Joseph Hospital, Denver, CO

Andrea Boyce                          University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO

Caitlin Butler                           Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Boca Raton, FL

Sara Byrnes                             Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan, LaCrosse, WI

Michael Casias                        Lancaster General Health, Lancaster, PA

Frank Colletti                          Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, Palo Alto, CA

Carolyn Dahlman                    Fairview Southdale Hospital, Minneapolis, MN

Christina Davis                        VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA

Nicole Dimaano                      Intermountain Healthcare Pharm SVC, UT

Emily Elwell                            St. Luke’s Health System – Boise, ID

Brian Fox                                 Exempla Saint Joseph Hospital, Denver, CO

Jenna Gorrell                          Providence Health and Services, Portland, OR

Liane Horiuchi                         Memorial Hospital Miramar, FL

Ashley Huntsberry                  Nebraska Medicine, Omaha, NE

Natalie Kallhoff                      University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, MN

Robbie Kattappuram              Aurora Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI

Monika Lach                            University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL

Philip Leong                            St. Anthony Hospital, Lakewood, CO

Mengyan Li                             Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Burlington, MA

Kelsey Melander                     Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

Arya Mishra                            Mount Sinai St. Luke and Roosevelt Hospital, NY

Kaitlyn Moorehead                 University of California Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA

Sarah Newman                       Miami Children’s Hospital, Miami, FL

Atit Patel                                 PIH Health Hospital, Whittier, CA

Kathleen Paulson                    Cheyenne Veterans Affairs Medical, Cheyenne, WY

Trang Phan                              Harris Health System, Houston, TX

Azhin Qadir                             The Medical Center of Aurora, Aurora, CO

Stefanie Reid                          Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah, GA

Lindsay Rumold                      Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center, Lafayette, CO

Stephen Shaw                         VA Medical Center – Denver, CO

Suhair Shawar                        University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL

Ankit Shukla                            Cardinal Glennon Childrens Medical Center, St. Louis, MO

Danielle Stutzman                  University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Hai Tran                                  Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX

Kellie Vanderburg                   Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, CA

Laura Vriesman                      The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Jarod Weidner                        Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa, Mason City, IA

Kirby Welston                         Georgia Regents MC/University of Georgia, Augusta, GA

Cecilia Wong                           Saint Peter’s University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ

Regina Yun                              The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Renjbar Zebari                        UHS Hospitals, NY


Indian Health Services PGY-1 Residencies

Cameron LaChappelle             Crownpoint Healthcare Facility, Crownpoint, NM

Deidra Newbrough                 Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC), Anchorage, AK

Topics: Alumni, Students
