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P-4 Interviewed for National Podcast

2 minute read

by cupharmacy | January 13, 2017

Fourth-year CU pharmacy student, Lindsay Case, was recently interviewed by Tony Guerra for the PharmacyFutureLeaders podcast. The following is a transcript of the interview.  Click through to hear the podcast.

Lindsay Case is a fourth year pharmacy student at the University of Colorado. She was the Vice-President of the Colorado Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists and currently serves as Chair for the ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum Community and eCommunications Advisory Group. She grew up in Olathe, Colorado and received her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with a minor in Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, Colorado. Today we’ll be talking about rural health, international rotations, and the road to ambulatory care.

  1. Everyone’s leadership road is a little different, what was your leadership journey through the career quiz, ASHP, APHA, PLS/Rho Chi and so forth

1b.  I’d like to hear more about the University of Colorado campus, it sounds like it’s a bit like Maryland where we had a smaller college of about 5,000 mostly professional students.

1c. Can you tell more about the interprofessional “Dawn” clinic?

  1. Tell me about CA-HEC and how they work with medical and pharmacy students to help you with your APPE rotations, I think you’re in Alamosa, Colorado.
  1. How do students use AirB&B for rotations now and you mentioned there are ways to get discounts.
  1. You mentioned you were really excited about a rotation in Dublin, Ireland and you mentioned there’s another one in Galway, can you tell me how you go set up with that and what you’re looking forward to?
  1. I’ll play devil’s advocate, what’s the point of going abroad?
  1. 6. How have do split and use social media between professional and personal?

7.What do you hope to do after your fourth year? You mentioned residency PGY-1, PGY-2, and an interest in rural health care.

  1. How have you narrowed down your list of residency choices and whom do you turn to for advice?
  1. 9. Looking back, what parts of the pharmacy opportunities out there that you didn’t know about before?
  1. Can you explain the difference between ambulatory care and community pharmacy for some of our listeners who are thinking about pharmacy as a profession?
  1. How do you prefer people contact you?

Lindsay Case (email: lindsay.case@ucdenver.edu)

P4 at University of Colorado Denver     

Connect with Tony Guerra on Twitter Tony_PharmD or on my TonyPharmD YouTube channel where you can find over 700 videos on drug pronunciation, memorization, and the Top 200 that support my audiobook Memorizing Pharmacology.

Topics: Students
