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Red Bull Challenge

1 minute read

by cupharmacy | February 23, 2016

Three University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy second-year students -- Steve Henke, Megan Wary and Andrea Jones -- compete for a spot in the Red Bull Challenge, where 165 student teams from 50+ countries across the globe will have seven days to travel across Europe using only cans of Red Bull as currency. Similar to the hit TV show the Amazing Race, it’s a journey of adventure, charm and strategy.

In order to move on in the competition, teams must complete a video and upload it to the Red Bull Challenge site. The 18 videos with the highest number of likes by 9 a.m. Feb. 25 will move onto the next leg of the competition. Help Andrea, Steve and Megan get to the next leg of the competition by voting for them and their video at http://www.redbullcanyoumakeit.com/en/applications/5388/


Topics: Students
