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Students Bring Home Silver from Mid-Year

1 minute read

by cupharmacy | January 25, 2016

Fourth-year pharmacy students Jillian Dann and Kailynn DeRonde represented our school during the ASHP Clinical Skills Competition in New Orleans and did us proud!

A group of students, faculty and alumni were in the audience to see the two compete against teams from 129 schools of pharmacy throughout the nation, and bring home a second place win. This is the second year in a row that our students have proven themselves to be among the best in the nation. (The 2014 team, comprised of Ashley Huntsberry and Joselyn Benabe, placed first). The purpose of the competition is to hone problem-solving skills using patient-case scenarios. Congratulations Jillian and Kailynn.

This year's event marked the 50th anniversary of the ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition and it was the best yet. Mark your schedule for next December when ASHP heads to Las Vegas, NV for the 2016 event.  For more information about Midyear visit the ASHP website.



Topics: Students
