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Welcome Class of 2022!

1 minute read

by Stephanie Carlson | August 21, 2018

The wrap up for orientation week for the Class of 2022 included the marshmallow challenge, White Coat ceremony, and annual barbecue. 143 first-year students received their white coats and then signed and recited the Oath of the Professional Pharmacy Student, which they created as a class. They were led in reciting the oath by fellow first-year student, Jessica Brady.  She was selected by the class to lead them.

Oath of Professional Pharmacy Student for The Class of 2022

We the Pharm.D. Students of the Class of 2022 pledge to:

  • Create and nurture professional interactions with peers and patients built upon a foundation of trust, respect, and humility.
  • Learn, maintain, and advance our pharmaceutical knowledge to be capable of continuously providing the highest quality of patient care.
  • Advance our profession through positive interdisciplinary communication and personalized patient interactions.
  • Serve our patients with empathy and selfless dedication while promoting the well-being of our community.
  • Exemplify a strong moral character through exceptional ethics and integrity.
  • Become trustworthy leaders who continually strive toward personal development and cultural sensitivity.

Other class stats:

Male: 67 (46.8%)

Female: 76 (53.1%)

Average age: 23 (19-37)

Topics: Students
